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The Corporate Governance represents a set of rules for responsible management and control of a company and can thus be seen as a “Corporate Constitution”.

Corporate Bodies

The Management Board, Supervisory Board and Annual General Meeting have well-defined decision-making powers, each with its own scope of responsibility. In line with the Austrian Stock Act, the structure of the management of Telekom Austria AG, composed of Management Board and Supervisory Board, is strictly separated.

Management Board

The task of the Management Board is to manage and monitor current business development as well as to represent the company.
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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board appoints or recalls members of the Management Board and monitors the Management Board’s activities.
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Annual General Meeting

At the General Meeting, the shareholders’ will is formed within the meaning of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) on proposals from the Management Board, Supervisory Board and/or shareholders.
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Corporate Governance Code and consolidated Corporate Governance Report

The shares of Telekom Austria AG (in the following also “A1 Telekom Austria Group”) have been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since November 2000, where the Austrian Corporate Governance Code (ACGC) is generally accepted. The current version of this Code (January 2023) can be viewed at http://www.corporate-governance.at or http://www.a1.group.

The Corporate Governance Code pursues the goal of responsible management and control of companies geared towards a sustainable and long-term creation of enterprise value. It aims to ensure a high degree of transparency for all stakeholders and to serve as an important guideline for investors.

he Code is based on the provisions of Austrian stock company-, stock exchange- and capital market law, EU recommendations and the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The A1 Telekom Austria Group has been committed to voluntary compliance with the ACGC since 2003.

he Group complies with all the legal requirements set out by the ACGC in what are referred to as the “L” rules. All relevant information can be found in the consolidated Corporate Governance Report.

Remuneration of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board

The remuneration system and remuneration for the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Telekom Austria AG (hereinafter also referred to as “A1 Group”) are described in the remuneration report.

The current remuneration system is based on the remuneration policy adopted by a majority of 99.7% at the Annual General Meeting on June 27, 2024.

Managers’ Transactions

One speaks of manager’s transactions when members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of a publicly listed company buy and sell stocks and bonds of their own company.

The entry into force of the Market Abuse Regulation on 3 July 2016 means that directors’ dealings are no longer disclosed by the Financial Market Authority (FMA) but by the issuer.

Telekom Austria AG operates in accordance with the legal provisions and reports transactions by Management Board and Supervisory Board members and their related parties involving Telekom Austria shares on the company’s website.

Managers’ Transactions

February 26 2024 – Thomas Arnoldner
Managers’ Transactions

May 9 2023 – Alejandro Plater
Managers’ Transactions

May 5 2023 – Alejandro Plater
Managers’ Transactions

May 3 2019 – Thomas Arnoldner
Managers’ Transactions

April 30 2023 – Alejandro Plater

Relevant Documents

Corporate Governance Kodex (ACGC)

Jänner 2022

Corporate Governance Report

Articles of Association of Telekom Austria AG

Structure Telekom Austria AG

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