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14 results found


The Well-Being of Employees in Focus: The Employee Assistance Program at A1

The A1 Telekom Austria Group has introduced the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to promote the well-being of its employees and their families. The EAP offers free and confidential counseling and coaching services on various topics around the clock, complemented by webinars and online resources.


Corporate Volunteering


Stronger Together: Celebrating the Women@A1 Festival on International Women’s Day


Safer Internet Day @ A1 Group

On February 6, institutions, companies, and individuals worldwide celebrated the "Safer Internet Day" under the motto "Together for a better internet", followed by free online workshops offered by and the A1 digital.campus. A1 Group is committed to digital education not only on this day but also beyond, with events such as free workshops in Slovenia and the A1 STEMFemme Junior project in Croatia.


Upskilling @A1 Group

Why no ESG strategy can succeed without the proper training of employees in sustainability, and how seriously we at the A1 Group are taking this step.


Sustainable Development Goals

As a members of the UN Global Compact since 2013, we take our collective responsibility seriously. We have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our company's strategy, culture, and everyday activities, to contribute directly to sustainable development. Explore more about our commitment.