Learn more about our ESG ambitions in relation to various topics here. Browse through our Combined Annual Report or read our Human Rights Policy and many other principles and guidelines.
A1 Group is dedicated to being an environmentally and socially responsible company, striving to reduce negative impacts and enhance benefits for both people and the planet. Integrating ESG principles into its strategy, the company aims to adopt more efficient and sustainable practices. The Group views these initiatives as key drivers of long-term value, reflected not only in financial performance but also in measures of the company’s environmental impact. This dedication is further articulated in the Group’s Environmental Policy.
A1 Group takes a two-pronged approach to the issue of energy supply. On one hand, electricity consumption is to be reduced and stabilized in order to maintain the most energy-efficient operation possible and at the same time avoid CO2 emissions before they even occur. This target and the path to achieving it are in line with science and have been verified by the Science-based Target Initiative (SBTi) aiming towards decreasing emissions and keeping the alignment with the 1.5 degrees reductions. On the other hand, the required electricity should be produced or purchased from renewable sources as far as possible in order to minimize the environmental impact of electricity consumption.
A1 Group attaches great importance to basic ecological principles and has made “circular economy” the central theme of its ESG strategy in 2022. Measures such as waste avoidance, consistent life cycle management, reduction of plastic in sales and the use of environmentally friendly packaging are designed to achieve the goal of using as few primary raw materials as possible. Also, resources should fulfill the purpose of being used for as long as possible.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are key components of A1 Group’s ESG strategy. Different competencies, perspectives and experiences offer numerous options for learning together and from each other, thus leading to better solutions for customers, employees and the company. By anchoring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the ESG strategy of A1 Group, clear and communicated goals are set and consistently pursued. Furthermore, the A1 Group’s Fair Pay Principles underscore our commitment to treating employees with respect and fairness.
A1 Telekom Austria Group aims to promote and preserve the health, safety, and well-being of all its employees, its contractors, and customers. As a major telecom provider in Europe, we enable digitalization across various sectors, from public services to personal relationships. Our commitment is to maintain the highest standards of health, safety, and well-being including safety risks at our construction sites, health risks in the offices as well as other well-being-related factors. Our goal is to create a favorable and secure work environment for our employees, ensuring top-quality services to customers and partners.
Having joined the UN Global Compact, A1 Group is committed to implementing fundamental requirements in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and combating corruption. This commitment has been acknowledged by being integrated into the Austrian subsidiary’s Terms and Conditions, for example. In some countries in which A1 Group operates, national laws can make it difficult to ensure that human rights are respected absolutely. Where national law diverges from A1 Group’s commitment to human rights and sets a lower standard, the Group always endeavors to achieve the higher standard, though the wellbeing of employees is the top priority.
Controversial statements about possible effects of electromagnetic waves often raise many questions. A1 is aware of its responsibility in the discussion that has been going on for years about possible influences on health. Since the first wireless transmission of information, intensive research has been conducted on the question of possible health effects of radio waves on humans.
The results of current research are continuously evaluated by national and international institutions, such as the WHO or ICNIRP. This research also forms the comprehensive basis for the evaluation of 5G technology and the establishment of the current limit values.
In Austria, personal protection in the area of high-frequency electromagnetic fields is defined in the OVE guideline R 23-1:2017 and is applicable to mobile communications. It covers a broad frequency spectrum, which also includes all frequencies of 5G technology. These safety standards are strictly adhered to for all A1 mobile radio systems and terminals.
If you have any further questions, you will find answers in our information material or the A1 EMF team will be happy to help you:
In the Code of Conduct, which applies to the entire A1 Group, data protection and information security are a key principle for the actions of employees. Furthermore, the Media Ethics Policy outlines 12 specific rules aimed at directing A1 Group employees in corporate communications. Through this policy, rules have been established governing the company’s communication practices, reinforcing our commitment to uphold high ethical standards and comply with legal requirements. Moreover, the ICC Marketing Code covers all forms of advertising and marketing communications, including digital advertising and social media. Lastly, the Group Tax Policy aims to minimize the potential for non-compliance with tax and commercial laws by implementing standardized and documented processes and principles.
A1 Telekom Austria Group recognises the critical importance of engaging with its stakeholders to build trust, foster transparency, and drive sustainable business practices. This Stakeholder Engagement Guideline is aligned with the AA1000 SES 2015 standard and establishes the principles and guidelines that guide our interactions with stakeholders. The company commits to Accountability Principles as defined by this standard.
A1 Group pursues the approach of implementing sustainability as far as possible in its supply chain. Therefore, sustainable criteria are increasingly being integrated into the procurement process as part of long-term projects with the purchasing department. A1 Group is implementing a cross-border, digital supplier relationship management system. This creates a risk profile for the top suppliers and interacts with the suppliers in relevant areas. In Q3 2022, A1 Group also joined the Joint Alliance for CSR (JAC), an association of telecommunications companies, to define, embed and monitor CSR criteria in supply chains. This membership serves as a further means of ensuring suppliers’ compliance with A1 Group’s ESG policies, in particular through audit results shared within JAC.
The Information Security Policy is applicable to all employees of A1 Group. A1 Group regards data & information as one of its most valuable business assets. An effective A1 Information Security governance to protect these information assets is essential to the long-term existence of A1 Group. By adopting a high standard of Information Security, A1Group can conduct business and stay competitive.
One of A1 Group’s goals is to consistently ensure the protection of personal data for all customers, business partners, and employees. Within the company, we adhere to the highest standards in data protection and information security to strengthen trust in our digital services. By complying with the GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations, we ensure the secure and transparent processing of data while also offering innovative solutions for the digital future of our customers and partners.
The goal of the reports is to disclose A1 Group’s operational and financial performance as well as indicators for the areas of environmental, social & corporate governance (ESG). The company’s sustainable activities are also ranked by rating agencies and the most important sustainability indices are being listed. This shows A1 Group’s effort of making its operations and activities as transparent as possible.
Facts and Figures
The A1 Group defines its ESG goals based on environmental, social, and governance aspects to promote long-term growth and sustainability by minimizing environmental impacts, promoting social responsibility, and enhancing corporate governance.
The A1 Group’s Environmental KPI Factsheet offers a clear and concise overview of key environmental performance indicators. It provides valuable insights into the company’s sustainability efforts, enabling informed assessments of its environmental impact.
Memberships and cooperations allow companies to broaden their horizons, operate best practice sharing, and change together. The A1 Group therefore plays an active role in a host of local and in some cases cross-border ESG platforms and initiatives.