ESG Activities
a Sustainable Future
ESG at A1 Group
The A1 Group is aware of its responsibility and influence on the environment and society. It is very important to the Group to keep constantly improving the world we live in. This is clearly reflected in its commitment and its specific targets for the environment, society, and people.
By integrating ESG in its corporate strategy as a strategy enabler, the A1 Group has clearly established its obligations in the company and takes account of these when making key decisions. The A1 Group aims for more efficient, resource-saving and more sustainable ways of working and living, and views its initiatives in this area as long-term value drivers that bring environmental and social benefits.
As a driver of digitalization, the A1 Group makes a substantial contribution to promoting environmental sustainability, resource conservation, and equal opportunities in society for the benefit of people and the environment. Through the use of digital media, digitalization establishes an important basis for equal access to information, education, and knowledge. And last but not least, digitalization can reduce negative environmental impacts and the waste of resources, thereby supporting the fight against climate change.
In keeping with its guiding principle of “Empowering Digital Life,” the A1 Group has already achieved its goal of being not just a provider of infrastructure, connectivity, and bandwidth, but also a pioneer and companion in the digital transformation.
Empowering a Sustainable Future
Reaching net zero (Scope 1 & Scope 2) by tapping into the potential of renewable energies and energy efficiency
Embodying and strengthening the circular economy
Closing the loop by recovering valuable resources and achieving zero waste to landfill
Empowering our Communities and Employees
Ramping up our digital education and empowering our future employees
Ensuring equal opportunities for all and celebrating diversity
Fostering corporate citizenship and giving back to society
Empowering a Fair, Digital Life
Leading by example and ensuring high supply-chain standards
Ensuring data security and data protection in all our areas of operation
Providing trust with high compliance and data management requirements
Sustainable Development Goals
At the United Nations Summit in September 2015, the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was adopted. A1 Group supports this objective through a wide range of activities.
ESG News
Corporate Volunteering
The A1 Group ESG Team and the Sustainable Finance Team spent their Corporate Volunteering Day helping out at St. Elisabeth Stiftung.
Stronger Together: Celebrating the Women@A1 Festival on International Women's Day
The Women@A1 Festival was organized by A1 Austria for the second time on the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8th, attracting nearly 400 participants. Inspiring masterclasses were held, signaling a strong commitment to gender equality and highlighting the dedication of A1 women to personal growth and solidarity.
CO2 Reduction
In our recent non-financial report, we highlight our substantial progress in CO2 reduction, achieving a 54% decrease in emissions by the end of 2023 compared to 2019. Our efforts for decarbonization are also recognized by CDP placing us on the A List for environmental transparency.
Discover more
ESG Ratings
A1 Group has its sustainable activities evaluated annually by rating agencies and is listed in the most important sustainability indices.
A1 Climate Vision
Digitalization and climate change are the key challenges of the 21st century.